Welcome to the "freakingawesome News". This will be all about the website, such as updates and achievements it has made along the way.
The biggest update of them all : ]
As you saw for a period of time on the main page. I was cleaning up the inner workings of the website, I am done now. This will cover everything that I have done yaaaayyy..
Firstly, I made all of the links no longer end in ".html". I did this because it made the website look really lazily made and have no effort put into, I made this website before finding out how to do this. So 99% of the links look like this
Next thing, I changed the layout of the website, I got rid of buttons that I didn't bother working on anymore, such as the cool websites page, my (planned) giant collage of pins/buttons of other sites, etc. This new layout is way better because I can actually add new things near the top without it looking too crammed.
i added the second ever catsilly wtf!!!!!!!!!!! i also added another regularsilly.
Also the misspell on the homepage was accidental but it's funny so I'm leaving it there
Added website statistics
I added website statistics where you can see when the website was last updated, how many visits it has, how many followers i have, and my flexable join date. Click here to see them
Two new videos added to sillies. Sept 21st 2024
Isn't that crazy? I finally added new videos to sillies after months of not doing it, since May it's remained unchanged, click here to watch them